Monday, November 24, 2008

I subscribe to the news

I realize that I have neglected posting for a while. Last week was filled with many different things and village visits and such. I feel as though village visits have become part of the routine. It is not that I do not enjoy them, it was the fact that I know how the visits are going to go everytime, as far as the wait for a couple of hours before, the order of the service...even the songs that we are going to sing. I find comfort in these things, this repetition sometimes because it makes the time seem to just slide by, but then there are times when I begin to think that perhaps I need a change of pace if only for a little while.

Sunday we went back to Mabogeri, the village by Kilosa. This is the village that I had previously blogged about with all of the problems. It was a much different visit than before. People weren't hiding nearly as much, and more men were present. They gave us tea and half-cakes galore and gave us a meal after service as well. I was not sure how to accept these gifts of food when they themselves still suffer severely. It was a great lesson in hospitality, since hospitality is most certainly a two way street. The demeanor of the people seemed to be a little more positive, but it could easily be seen that they were still in dire need of help. If you weren't paying attention you could miss the fact that the people were still not able to eat very much and were still very much in need of aid. The Maasai can mask these things so easily through there great hospitality and their positive outlook on life. They are a strong people, and they refuse to weaken even in times of great strife.

After the service a woman became hysterical and at times appeared to be possesed. The evangelists and pastors worked with her for almost an hour trying to rid her of her demon. She suffers/ed from PPD, having attempted to kill her child once. This seemed to be the biggest part of her hysteria, but every once and a while it appeared that there was something inside here resisting as though there was something else living in her. This incident again brought up the issue of demons and evil and black magic into my mind. When I think of these things I am reminded of Carlos Castaneda writing about the alternate realities that lie within our own world that we simply can't see. When I hear about, or in this case see, demon possession I can't help but wonder if there is validity in it. Just because something lies in another reality and that person can see it, doesn't make it any less real for that person. I realize that I am digressing into philosophical nonsense but it is the only way that I can explain it.

On the way home we saw what was more than likely dead body #2.

Something that I should mention that I didn't a few posts ago... When we are at the wedding at the prison Tim went into the bathroom only to turn around and slam the door because a long green snake came out of the toilet pit and started coming toward him... though more than likely not in a threatening manner. Upon further research, Tim is convinced that he say a green mamba which isn't nearly as bad as the black, but still a mamba none the less. We sometimes forget about the fact that we are in Tanzania and that typical things that wouldn't hurt us at home will most definitely kill you here. It's a humbling reminder that we are still in a place where we have to watch our step, and stay alert to the bugs and other creatures that live around us.

Prime example: Steve took this video just outside the place where we eat. It is a cobra and they can kill you.


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